Philip de Vellis

Partner & Creative Director

Philip de Vellis draws on his wide range of professional experience in corporate marketing, politics, and Internet communications to advise clients on paid media and communications strategy.

Philip’s work has won numerous industry awards and has been featured by national media outlets including CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

In 2008 and 2012, he worked as part of the Obama Media Team to produce TV ads in battleground states. Philip has been a lead consultant for paid media campaigns for the DCCC, DSCC,, House Majority PAC, VoteVets, SEIU, and the Human Rights Campaign.

Philip is a well-known expert and pioneer in new media for political campaigns. As a panelist at industry conferences and on cable news, Philip speaks regularly about the intersection of technology and politics. His groundbreaking work in Internet video has received millions of views on YouTube and has been displayed at the Whitney, Newseum and the American Film Institute.

Philip was previously a partner at Putnam Partners, senior associate at Murphy Putnam Media, senior strategist at Blue State Digital and the Internet Communications Director for Sherrod Brown’s 2006 U.S. Senate campaign. Philip has been working in advertising and video content creation since 1997.